Whether you are new to Covering the Corner or have been around for a while but still have no idea what is going on, you are currently in the right place. Everything you need to know about Covering the Corner, from the people to the rules, to the Guardians memes, to all the links you need to keep bookmarked, can be found somewhere in this post.
People of Covering the Corner
Managing Editor: Matt Lyons
Editors: Brian Hemminger, Blake Ruane
Staff Writers: Jason Philipps, woodmeister, Merritt Rohlfing, Chris D. Davies, westbrook, Quincy Wheeler
All of these and more can be found on the site Masthead.
Community: Head over to the Introduce yourself to Covering the Corner! post to let everyone know who you are, and get to know some other Covering the Corner community members.
What to expect from Covering the Corner
This may differ based on which part of the year we are in, but in general, you should expect to see several posts per day from Covering the Corner. During the baseball season, there will be two or more in-depth analysis posts per day, as well as a game thread, a game recap, and a quick #hottake on any news that happens during the day. Head here for a full rundown on what kind of posts you can expect from Covering the Corner and how best to approach them.
Community rules and commenting guidelines
Above all, Covering the Corner aims to be a place for intelligent discussion and analysis about Cleveland baseball and baseball in general. That does not mean you have to be a fan of sabermetrics or anything other than home runs, RBI, or average. As long as you can make a valid point, defend it, and not be rude about it, you are more than welcome to bring your point of view to the table. Our full rule guide details what you need to do to avoid getting banned.
How to use FanPosts and FanShots
FanPosts are the best way to present your own long-form ideas and get feedback on them. The general rule of thumb is this: If you have an opinion that is over 400 words, make it a FanPost. Doing so will mean that all that time you spent writing won't get buried in a busy comments section. Most FanPosts will even get promoted to Covering the Corner's front page and on our Facebook and Twitter pages as well.
On the other hand, FanShots are great if you see something Guardians-related happen elsewhere on the Internet. If a player posts something funny on Twitter, or you find an interesting video, it is easy to throw it in a FanShot to bring it to the attention of countless other baseball fans.
Covering the Corner on social media
Twitter: Posts on Covering the Corner go out to Twitter automatically the second they hit the site. During the regular season, we normally tweet during the games too, with quips, analysis, or brief updates. We try to avoid doing play-by-play, though. You already have eyes and ears and probably better ways to know what’s going on.
Facebook: Facebook posts are done manually, so sometimes they may be a bit behind. Because of Facebook's money-grubbing algorithms, be sure to like a post every once in a while as they appear to make sure you keep seeing them in your timeline. And as anyone who has seen a Facebook comment section knows, they can be a dumpster fire. Much like in CTC’s comment sections, if you see someone saying something stupid in the Facebook sections, feel free to call them out.
Podcast: If you just can’t get enough of Covering the Corner, find us in audio form on Apple Podcast, Spotify, iHeart Radio or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.
Essential Guardians links and other blogs
Links to Cleveland baseball, all their affiliates, and everything you should have bookmarked to keep up-to-date with the Guards can be found here. And because we are all about sharing the love, some links to other great Cleveland blogs are in our link post as well.